Welcome to Wahoo Delta Group

We are a group of Alcoholics Anonymous
We meet at the First United Methodist Church at 714 N Beech Street in Wahoo, Nebraska. Please use the east door. Handicapped accessible. Handicapped parking is on the east side of the Church. All other parking is on the south and west sides of the church.
Wahoo Delta group Fridays at 7 P.M. - 8 P.M.
Tuesday Morning group Tuesdays at 8:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M.
South Haven AA group meets on Thursdays at 7 P.M. - 8 P.M. at 1400 Mark Dr. Wahoo.
It has been decided that we will try doing our own speaker meeting. Since this is such a small group at this time we will be doing this by streaming speakers from youtube at this time. But if anyone wants to practice in front of a smaller group (1 to 6 people) you are welcome to come and speak. This meeting will be tentatively set for the last Friday of the month.
On the first Friday of the month Valley AA group has a guest speaker. On these days we will only have a 20 minute meeting and then, anyone who wishes to, will head over to Valley to hear the speaker and enjoy food and fellowship afterwards.
First United Methodist Church has graciously allowed us the use of their Fellowship Room for our meetings.
These are open meetings. So non alcoholics (such as significant others and children) may attend as observers.
714 North Beech Street, Wahoo, Nebraska 68066, United States
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General Service Office (U.S.A. and Canada) website
AA Grapevine Magazine
Nebraska (state) website (with meeting locator)
Saunders County Meeting List
Digital Collection basket for our meetings.
(Sorry but, your donation here is NOT tax deductible)
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